Adam Quick Review/ Going Against The Flow Of Creation

Recently watched the movie Adam. Man, I almost forgot what good movies felt like.

Some backstory,
Adam is primarily about its title character. A man named Adam who lives and struggles with Asperger's Syndrome (which is a mild form of autism). Adam at first seems to be just living his life out as a single, solitary (and kind of bleak) existence. An existence made bleaker by the recent death of his father. Then a women named Beth moves into the apartment next door to Adam. And life changes.

I don't want to spoil too much for you, so I will try to be vague. I will reveal one teensy bit of the movie (so those of you who don't want to hear, close your ears). Adam and Beth pursue a romantic relationship. It really is adorable for the most part. She helps him learn how to interact better with people and he introduces a beautiful simplicity that seems to make her life happier.

All in all the movie is downright charming.

However, prepare for the but.

BUT, like most cutesy slightly indie films out there, sex enters the picture. It starts out gradually. In one scene, while laying on a bed, Beth tells Adam she doesn't want to go too fast in the relationship. Lets take a closer look at this. While laying on a bed with Adam, Beth says she doesn't want things to go too fast. This is an instance where actions speak louder than words. When NOT trying to have sex with someone, it is best to stay OUT of the bedroom. In another scene, Adam is rubbing Beth's back and then Beth returns the favor. While on a bed. A side-note, Massages are a BAD idea when outside of marriage. God made our bodies in a certain way. And our bodies are programmed to equate physical intimacy as a prelude to sex. I'm not necessarily talking about simple kisses or holding hands. But actions that have the potential , for lack of a gentler word, to arouse. For example, Massages and passionate kissing. In Scripture it says "I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases." In the Bible there are countless verses on God's plan for sex and marriage. They go together like white on rice. So when we stir up passions or physical feelings like Adam and Beth did in the movie (and they ended up crossing the line), we are going against the way God made them to be. And when we do that, things just don't go well. I'm not necessarily saying its God's direct punishment for breaking the rules. But God made things to work a certain way. He made us hunger and the solution is to eat food. He made us lungs which are designed with the need for air. When we try to go against our design, things get unpleasant. Try holding your breath or going without food for an extended period of time (fasting excluded). Eventually, things go wrong and get painful. The same thing happens when we try to live our love lives in an opposite direction of God's plan.

God doesn't want that for us. He wants us to be blessed because he loves us. Therefore, that is why it will go well for us, when we follow his plan. Not just in love and relationships but in all aspects of our love, It will go well for us when we follow the Creator's plan.

So there is my thoughts on that. I know this isn't exactly a heavy-duty blog post but I am still wading through finals. Soon I will be back on track!

P.S. I would LOVE movie/music/ etc suggestions. I love new media! And I promise to be gentle =P


Anonymous said...

Those raccoons know whatsup

Anonymous said...

Yeah they be forragin like crazy! Sup J-Town.

SDG said...

Yeah, the purpose of grace has never been, "let's see how close we can get our faces to the whirring propeller blades before they blend us into pink mist." A terrible picture story I know, but sin is no less gruesome than bad comparisons or brutal fatalities. Sin is a gruesome death, even if it shows up tied with a cute little bow and a great smile.

SDG said...

as far as suggestions... you should blog about my blog, or about my latest song which is actually the latest entry on my blog, so yeah. shameless plug.