I will start today's blog with a verse. Now it is from the message but bear with me. It communicates the message.
First pay attention to me, and then relax. Now you can take it easy--you're in good hands.-Proverbs 1:33 MSG
It really cannot get much simpler. Pay attention to what God is saying and then chill out. But I am sure that you as well as I struggle with that. We do not want to relinquish control. We want God to be a spot God, where we only want him in our lives when we are in a tough spot. But God wants to be so much more to us. He wants to be our all, the one we lean on. Because the fact is, you show love to someone when you rely on them. You are saying "I trust you." But so often we put our trust in other things and other people. We put our trust in our own abilities or in our significant other. Then when God wants to step in, we hold up a hand and say "I got this." Then a moment comes where we do not have it down. And we wonder how we got to this hard spot. We cry out to God to save us. But things would have been so much easier if we had trusted him all along! And don't misunderstand, God is not a control freak. He doesn't want control for the sake of control. He wants to guide us because he loves us and hates to see us fall. Picture it like this, A father is teaching his child to ride a bike. He helps them onto the bike and starts to push, holding on to the bike so the child can balance. But the child pushes him away. "I can do it on my own daddy." The child says. And the father reluctantly pulls away. Then he watches as the child rides for a bit but then falls hard onto the ground. As he runs to help his child, his baby up, the child exclaims "Why didn't you hold me?". Thats what we are like when we push God out of the picture. I have found we want God out of the picture in the part of the lives where we need him most: dating. But more on that in my next post. The bottom line is, God is waiting to guide us. He is the one who orchestrated this life and loves us so much. If we let him have control, he will guide us into exactly where we need to be.
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