This is called "The Follow-Up" and it goes a little something like dis...

Once again, this material belongs to Mark Driscoll and it is out of Religion Saves (I recommend it highly!) This is a follow up to my last post titled "Singleness vs Marriage".

It is important to consider some things before approaching dating or courtship. First, we should identify and repent of any sins and idols that may be guiding our desires.
In this way we can then be open to what God has for us, which is always best. Therefore, a few questions are worth of pondering.

(1)How is your relationship with Jesus?
Is that relationship strong, maturing, and growing, and is it your first priority above all other relationships? Do you need to wait to date someone until a time when your relationship with Jesus is stronger? Is your goal to meet someone with whom you can grow in your relationship with Jesus?

(2) Are you believing any cultural lies?
Are you taking your cues from Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and godly friends or from magazines, talk shows, the mdiea, pornography and godless acquaintances? Are you feeding sinful thoughts and desires that need to be repented of fully before you are fit for any serious christian relationship?

(3) Do you accept that marriage is for holiness before happiness?
people who believe that marriage is meant to complete them or make them happy are often depressed in marriage. Why? Because when two sinners marry there will be struggles and pain. Those who understand that marriage does have happiness but is firs for our sanctification and holiness are in a better frame of mine to marry and be able to lovingly serve their spouse and think more about we than me. Once our relationship with Jesus is healthy and our view of marriage is biblical, we are ready to consider dating and courtship.


Jonathan said...

Is twiggeh thinkin about pursuing this stuff sooner than she intended?

Lisa Twigg said...

Lol no. I am merely studying God's plan for relationships. I believe in this but I am not in a season yet where I can responsibly maintain a dating relationship. I am enjoying God's gift of singleness for now =)

Ezekiel said...

Twiggy! Good stuff! Gotta say I definitely agree w/ the last point. I think too many people don't realize that God can use their marriage to show weaknesses in their faith. It's marriage is a happy institution but is also often a painful refining process for two individuals.

Lisa Twigg said...

Thanks Ezekiel! You made a good point too!

Julie said...

Hm, the first point is what hit me. That's one thing I realized recently that I have now started working on. Again. It's never ending, isn't it?

Thanks for posting this and the previous post. I enjoy reading, if not something you write, at least something that illustrates what you think and what you believe. :)